7th Annual Meeting: ASPNR Meeting Abstract Awards


We are pleased to announce the Award recipients for Best Oral Scientific Abstract, Best Scientific, and Educational Posters, and Cum Laude Awards for Scientific and Educational Posters at the 7th Annual ASPNR Meeting in Austin, TX on January 17-19, 2025.


Best Oral Presentation went to Prabhjot Kaur from the Boston Childrens Hospital, Harvard Medical School for their work on Improve automated Focal Cortical Dysplasia (FCD) detection for small datasets with generative modeling
Co-Authors: Sanjay Prabhu, MBBS, DCH, FRCR, DABR, Simon Warfield

Best Scientific Poster went to Sonali B. Pfile, BS from the University of California, San Francisco for their work on Fetal Polymicrogyria: Imaging Patterns, Etiologies, and Outcomes.
Co-Authors: Dawn Gano, MD MAS, Matthew Shear, MD, Mary E. Norton, MD, Orit A. Glenn, MD

Best Educational Poster went to Spencer Kriss, BS from Vanderbilt University School of Medicine for their work on Neuroimaging Findings of Abusive Spinal Injury and Optimization of Imaging Protocol.
Co-Authors: Alexandra M. Foust, DO, Sumit Pruthi, MBBS, Stephen Little, MD, Asha Sarma, MD

Cum Laude Scientific Posters (in no particular order):
Venous Epidural Hemorrhage in Pediatric Head Trauma

Authors: Livja Mertiri, MD,Stephen F. Kralik, MD, John Freiling, MD, Maarten Lequin, MD, PhD, Mesha Martinez, MD, Karen K. Moeller, MD, Srikala Narayanan, MD, Rajan Patel, MD, Huy Brandon Tran, MD, Thierry A.G. M. A.G.M Huisman, MD, PhD, Nilesh Desai, MD

Prenatal evolution of hindbrain herniation following fetal myelomeningocele repair
Authors: Romain Corroenne, MD, PhD, Brian Burnet, MD, Magdalena Sanz Cortes, MD, PhD, Michael Belfort, MD, PhD, William Whitehead, MD, Rebecca Johnson, MS, CCRP, Ahmed Nassr, MD, Roopali Donepudi, MD, Jessian Munoz, MD, Thierry A.G. M. A.G.M Huisman, MD, PhD

Pseudoneoplastic Masses in Alexander Disease: Characterization and Natural History
Authors: Arastoo Vossough, MD, PhD, Mix Wannasarnmetha, MD, Amirreza Manteghinejad, MD, John Sollee, BS, Amy Waldman, MD, MSCE

The “Bare Superior Sagittal Sinus”: A Radiologic Phenotype of Abusive Head Trauma?
Authors: Livja Mertiri, MD, John Freiling, MD, Nilesh Desai, MD, Stephen F. Kralik, MD, Maarten Lequin, MD, PhD, Karen K. Moeller, MD, Mesha Martinez, MD, Srikala Narayanan, MD, Rajan Patel, MD, Huy Brandon Tran, MD, Kwabena Sarpong, MD , Angela Bachim, MD, Sarah Risen, MD, Thierry A.G. M. A.G.M Huisman, MD, PhD

Cum Laude Educational Posters (in no particular order):
The Fetal Tela Choroidea Unveiled: A Radiological and Pathological Journey

Authors: Caroline Rutten, MD, Yael Fisher, MD, Carlos Andres Robles, MD, Vivek Pai, MD, Patrick Shannon, MD, Pradeep Krishnan, MD, Elka Miller, MD

Early Second Trimester Fetal MRI: Pearls and Pitfalls
Authors: Suely Fazio Ferraciolli, MD, PhD, Nevena Fileva, MD, PhD, Harry Griffin, MD, Mario Tortora, MD, PhD, Fabio Tortota, MD, PhD, Ana Filipa Geraldo, MD, PhD, Cesar Alves, MD, Mariasavina Severino, MD, PhD, Andrea Righini, MD, PhD, Andrea Rossi, MD, PhD, Camilo Jaimes, MD, PhD

Advantages of Photon Counting CT for Temporal Bones in Pediatric Patients 
Authors: Michael LaVere, MD, Julie B. Guerin, MD, Jack Lane, MD, V. Michelle Silvera, MD,  John Benson, MD, Kelly Horst, MD, Lifeng Yu, PhD, Laurence J. Eckel, MD

Cholesteatoma in the pediatric population; what the surgeon wants to know
Authors: Saba Moghimi, Sharon Cushing, Adrian James, Manohar Shroff, Birgit Ertl-Wagner, Vivek Pai