Advanced Neuroimaging Workshop: Pediatric fMRI

Thursday, January 16, 2025, 8:25 AM - 3:45 PM


Back by popular demand, ASPNR will offer a Hands-on Advanced Neuroimaging Workshop focused on functional MRI. This pre-meeting course will take place on Thursday, January 16. The day will start with important applied clinical lectures on fMRI anatomical and physiological principles, patient preparation, workflow, acquisition, analysis, interpretation, and pitfalls in pediatric fMRI given by leaders in the field.

Topics include:

  • Basics of BOLD Imaging and Image Acquisition
  • Eloquent Motor/Visual Cortical Functional Anatomy
  • Language Functional Anatomy
  • Clinical Tasks & Paradigms
  • Unique Aspects of Pediatric fMRI and Patient Preparation
  • Common Artifacts & Pitfalls
  • fMRI Set Up & Workflows
  • Interpretation & Reporting

View the full agenda here

Following the lectures, there will be presentations and hands-on sessions by major clinical fMRI vendors. Prism will provide hands-on instruction on the software program, an advanced visualization and processing platform providing features designed to analyze, examine quality, interpret, and save task-based fMRI image data. In the afternoon, registrants will divide into groups and spend 30 minutes exploring each of the unique fMRI processing and analysis platforms.

We have limited capacity for this workshop – registration is now open.


Thank you to our fMRI Workshop Sponsors!

Premiere Sponsor



Sapphire Sponsors