Nihaal K. Reddy

Nihaal K. Reddy MD
Professional Title: Fellow Pediatric Radiology
Locale: The Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Fellowships: Pediatric Radiology (presently), Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Pediatric Neuroradiology
ASPNR member since 2016
ASPNR: What attracted you to pediatric neuroradiology?
Nihaal Reddy: I read a high volume of imaging studies during my radiology residency in India under the tutelage of Dr. Virupaxi Hattiholi, and the pediatric neuroradiology cases were always the most challenging ones to interpret. This got my curiosity fueled and interested me to dive deeper into the subject.
ASPNR: Do you have a colleague or mentor that inspired you in your career?
I consider myself very fortunate to have so many great mentors, firstly my grandad Dr K. Damodhar Reddy – a model human being and radiologist, radiotherapist, surgeon and oncologist. There were many others that inspired me as well, to name a few in pediatric neuroradiology: Dr. Sanjay Prabhu, Dr. Poretti, Dr. Huisman, and Dr. Soares. Dr. Prabhu’s quizzing sessions from his excellent collection of in-house cases and cases from the WFPI archives were great. Dr Poretti and Dr. Huisman introduced me to many fascinating aspects of peds neuroradiology during my postdoc, especially features pertaining to the cerebellum and DTI. Dr. Poretti was the first to show me a case of a tubulinopathy and of a LAMA1 mutation. Dr. Huisman was a great motivator, approachable and helpful. He really took time to review my personal and professional developments. Dr. Bruno Soares – one of the most likeable and nicest guys. It was hard not to be influenced by his passion and enthusiasm for peds neuroradiology. In addition, Dr. Mankad, who is always accessible and encouraging, and always emanating great vibes and Dr. Boltshauser, who has been a great influence for me over the last few months have been influential.
ASPNR: What is your favorite part of your job?
NR: It’s exciting for me to work with talented techs, fellows, and consultants at RCH in the field I am passionate about. Being a trainee and getting to constantly learn is the most satisfying part of my fellowship.
ASPNR: What is the biggest challenge of your job?
NR: The biggest challenge is also the most enjoyable part, which is keeping up with the ever-changing and evolving advances in the field of peds neuroradiology, be it imaging sequences, new discoveries (especially radiogenomics), the integration of clinical symptomatology to imaging, and treatment protocols.
ASPNR: What is the most interesting project you are working on right now?
NR: Projects pertaining to radiogenomics in pediatric brain tumours.
ASPNR: Name a helpful online resource that your colleagues may not be aware of
NR: The Andrea Poretti Group on Telegram is the best peds neurorads resource; it has close to 400 members globally. Daily discussions involve a wide variety of cases, articles etc. from around the world. Would highly recommend joining this group!
ASPNR: What is one thing people would be surprised to know about you?
NR: I write poems and I have a personal passion and craze for football (= soccer), despite coming from the cricket-crazy nation India.
ASPNR: Will you be attending the ASPNR meeting in January 2020 in Miami?
NR: Hoping to make it in from Melbourne!