Timothy “Tim” Booth MD

Timothy “Tim” Booth MD
Professional Title: Professor of Radiology and Otolaryngology, Staff Pediatric Neuroradiologist
Locale: Children’s Health of Dallas, University of Texas (UT) Southwestern Medical Center
Dallas, Texas, USA
Fellowships: Pediatric Neuroradiology, Pediatric Radiology
ASPNR member since 1997
ASPNR: What attracted you to pediatric neuroradiology?
Tim Booth: Complex spine cases, no just kidding. It was more of a process of elimination as I first wanted to be a pediatrician (no), then a pediatric radiologist (maybe), and finally a pediatric neuroradiologist (spot on). What lead me to those decisions is difficult to say, but likely a sequence of random circumstances and the relationships with many wonderful individuals (see below).
ASPNR: Do you have a colleague or mentor that inspired you in your career?
TB: YES!! Sorry, I will stop screaming. It started with Dr. Figueroa on my pediatrics rotation at Charity Hospital in New Orleans (that shows my age). He showed me the diversity of disease processes that occur in children. Then came Stuart Royal in Birmingham who taught me about research and the possibility of lymphatic air embolism in the neonate (my Dad did the statistics). During fellowship, gravitated toward Gilbert Vezina who showed me the temporal bone and I was sold. My first and only job was in Dallas and I met Nancy Rollins. She always made light of my affection for the temporal bone; however, was instrumental in the development of me as an academic pediatric neuroradiologist.
ASPNR: What challenges or uncertainties do you see on the horizon for pediatric neuroradiology?
TB: I think the field is limitless. We have to embrace genetics and continue to develop and use new imaging technologies.
ASPNR: What words of wisdom would you pass on to your junior attending self?
TB: Find your niche and roll with it and don’t be afraid to take on new roles.
ASPNR: What was your childhood dream job?
TB: An artist. Had my portfolio ready to go but decided pre-med at the last minute and I don’t remember why.
ASPNR: Will you be attending the ASPNR meeting in January 2019 in New Orleans?
TB: Absolutely.
October 11, 2018