ASNR’s Outstanding Presentation Award/Derek Harwood-Nash Award

Dr. Derek Harwood-Nash
The Outstanding Presentation Award, formerly known as the Pediatric Derek Harwood-Nash Award, is given to the most outstanding pediatric neuroradiology paper, poster or electronic exhibit presented at the ASNR Annual Meeting. The ASNR provides a monetary prize for this award.
Award Recipients:
2023: Dr. J. Cleary
Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, London, United Kingdom
7 Tesla Multichannel Sodium MRI of the Brain in Children with Epileptogenic SCN1A Sodium Channel Mutations: A Pilot Study
2022: Dr. Yi Li
University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA.
Quantitative Volumetric and Regional Analysis of Neonatal Hypoxic Ischemic Injury in a Large Prospective Cohort from the HEAL Trial
2021: no award was given due to the COVID pandemic
2020: S. Dakil
University of Texas Southwestern and Children’s Health, Dallas, TX
Incidence and Clinical Predictors of Intracranial Hemorrhage in Children with Non-Accidental Trauma
2019: Dr. Shiva Shahrampour
Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA
Development of a Standardized Normative Pediatric Spinal Cord Structural Template: Demonstration of an Automatic Estimation of Spinal Cord Cross Sectional Area Measurements (SCCSA)
2018: Dr. Matthew Barkovich
University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA
Segmentation of Pediatric Hindbrain at 7 Tesla: First Steps Toward Developing a Hindbrain Atlas
2017: Dr. Jeffrey I. Berman, PhD
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Diffusion MR of the Auditory Pathway from Brainstem to Cortex and its Correlation with Conduction Velocity in Autism Spectrum Disorder
2016: Dr. Paul A. Caruso
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts
PAPER: 69: P Caruso, S Rincon, S Murphey, A Duhaime
The Effect of Early MRI in the Management of Children with Head Injury Requiring Admission to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
2015: Dr. Angelika Hoffman
University Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
PAPER 107: A Hoffmann, J Pfeil, J Alfonso, S Heiland, H Monyer, X Helluy, M Bendszus, M Pham
In-Vivo Detection of Brain Infiltration by Experimental Cerebral Malaria Using High Field MRI
2014: Dr. Azad Ghassemi
Sutter Medical Group, Sacramento, California
PAPER 455: A Ghassemi, M Chez, SCiricillo, A Krishnan
MR Guided LASER Ablation of Non-Lesional Epileptic Foci in Pediatric Patients Utilizing Magnetoencephalography (MEG) Scan and EEG
2013: Dr. Marc Braun
CHU Nancy Hospital, Nancy, France
Paper 527: R Tonnelet, M. Lhuaire, M.Labrousse, M Braun
Human Embryonic Serial Anatomy: Bulbar and Pontine Venous System in Relation with the Lower Cranial Nerves
2012: Dr. Nadia Barakat
Shriner’s Hospital for Children, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Paper 181: N Barakat, F Mohamed, L Hunter, P Shah, S Faro, A Samdani, J Finsterbusch, R Betz, J Gaughan, M Mulcahey
Diffusion Tensor Imaging for the Normal Pediatric Spinal Cord Using Inner0Field-of-View EPI Sequence
2011: Dr. Christian Mitter
Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Paper 575: V Schopf, G Kasprian, C Mitter, P.C. Brugger, D Prayer
Resting State Functional MR Imaging of the Fetal Brain
2010: Dr. Elysa Widjaja
Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Ontario, CANADA
POSTER 169: G.N. Simao, C.A. Raybaud, S Chuang, C. Go, O.C. Snead, E Widjaja
Diffusion Tensor Imaging of Commissural and Projection White Matter in Tuberous Sclerosis Complex and Correlation with Tuber Load
2009: Dr. James M. Kofler, Ph.D
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
PAPER 336: J.M. Mossis, D.R. DeLone, L Yu, S Leng, J.M. Kofler, C.H. McCollough
Radiation Dose Reduction and Protocol Optimization for Pediatric Head and Sinus CT Using a Novel Low-Dose Simulation Tool
2008: Dr. Christopher T. Whitlow Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, NC
PAPER 185: C.T. Whitlow, J.M. Pollock, R.A. Kraft, B.J. Mussat-Whitlow, H Tan, J.H. Burdette, J.A. Maldjian
Changes in Global Rates of Cerebral Perfusion Associated with Normal Development as Measured with MR Arterial Spin Labeling
2007: Dr. P. Ellen Grant
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
PAPER 209: P.E. Grant, K.S. Krishnamoorthy, S Barnett, E Warren, M Franeschini
Alterations in Regional Oxygen Saturation (StO2) and Cerebral Blood Volume in NICU Babies
2006: Dr. James P. Eaton
Trippler Army Medical Center, Trippler AMC, HI
PAPER 16: J.P. Eaton, V.J. Rooks, G Petermann
Incidence and Evolution of Intracranial Hemorrhage in Asymptomatic Full-Term Infants Using MR Imaging and Ultrasound Examination
2005: Dr. Phillippe P. Maeder
Centre HospitalierUniversitaire Vaudois, Lausanne, Switzerland
PAPER 435: P.P. Maeder, E Fornari, M.G. Knyazeva, R Martuzzi, R.A. Meuli
Development of Visual Spatial Integration in Children: A Combined Functional MR Imaging/Magnetization Transfer Imaging Study
2004: Dr. A.J. Robinson
Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, ON< Canada
PAPER 39: A.J. Robinson, S Blaser, A Toi, D Chitayat, G Ryan, S Pantazi, S Gundogan, S Laughlin
MR Imaging of the Fetal Cerebellar Vermis In Utero: Criteria for Abnormal Development, with Ultrasonographic and Clinicopathologic Correlation
2003: Dr. Paul D. Griffiths
University of Sheffield, United Kingdom
PAPER 30: P.D. Griffiths, E.H. Whitby, I.D. Wilkinson, M.N.J. Paley
Changes in Ethical Issues Based on Evolving Experience of In Utero MR Imaging for Fetal CNS Abnormalities
2002: Dr. Karen A. Tong
Loma Linda University Medical Center, Loma Linda, CA
PAPER 305: K.A. Tong, S Ashwal. B.A. Holshouser, L Shutter, G Herigault, D Kido, E Haacke
Improved Detection of Hemorrhagic Shearing Injuries in Children with Posttraumatic Diffuse Axonal Injury Using Susceptibility-Weighted Imaging: Correlation with Severity and Outcome
2001: Dr. D.B. Vigneron
University of California, San Francisco, CA
PAPER 26: D.B. Vigneron, A.J. Barkovich, R.G. Henry, S.M. Noworolski, S Miller, M.A. Bohland, Y Lu, L Carvajal, J.C. Partridge, D Ferriero
3D MR Spectroscopic Imaging of the Neonatal Brain
2000: Dr. Eric M. Martin
Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, NC
PAPER: 204: E.M. Martin, J.H. Burdette, A.D. Elster
Diffusion-Weighted Imaging of Protein Solutions at 1.5 T – Dependence of the Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Upon Protein Concentration